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  • Writer's pictureCassovia Medi Valley


Košice New Industry Cluster (Cassovia New Industry Cluster - CNIC) and the company JUHAPHARM, s.r.o. signed on March 28, 2023 The Memorandum of Understanding aims to achieve success in common areas also through the construction of the CNIC.

The common interest in the development of the East Slovak region concerns primarily the areas of the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry, the production of medical technology and laser medicine. The cooperation, which these two important entities decided to conclude officially, was long-term, as their interests have a common denominator - the economic rise of the East Slovak region. This can be achieved precisely with the help of scientific cooperation, the joint development of new technologies and their trading, the sharing of scientific and business experience through the commercial rental of scientific and research infrastructure or joint participation in scientific and technological projects, for example within the Horizon Europe scheme.

We are trying to show the residents of eastern Slovakia that the way to regional development leads through the cooperation of scientific researchers from the university environment and the private high-tech industry. We need to become a place that is not just an assembly hall, a workshop, but a place that uses the potential of smart people and the laboratories of our top universities as well as the experience of our industrial partners," said the chairman of the board of CNIC, prof. RNDr. Pavol Miškovský, DrSc.

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Cassovia Medi Valley z.p.o.

Čo je Cassovia Medi Valley?

Cassovia Medi Valley (CMV) je klaster subjektov východoslovenského regiónu, medzi ktoré patria univerzity, výskumné inštitúcie, zdravotnícke zariadenia, podniky a regionálna samospráva. Primárnou snahou združenia CMV je koordinovať výskumno-vedecké, vývojové a inovačné aktivity subjektov regionálneho partnerstva. CMV umožňuje vytvárať novú úroveň udržateľnej regionálnej spolupráce medzi vysoko úspešnými organizáciami, ktoré zdieľajú spoločnú víziu premeny mesta Košice a Košického samosprávneho kraja na vedeckú, výskumnú a inovačnú oblasť, ktorá má ambíciu vyrovnať sa svojim národným, európskym aj globálnym partnerom. Primárnou ideou klastra je stať sa strediskom na podporu a aplikáciu vedomostí a poznatkov mladej generácie v oblasti biomedicíny, farmácie a kozmetiky.

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