Cassovia Medi Valley cluster bodies
General Assembly ‒ the supreme body of the cluster; it establishes or elects the other bodies. It elects and removes the chairman and members of the Management Board, the chairman and members of the Scientific Board and the Director of the cluster. The General Assembly approves budgets for respective calendar years and makes decisions on strategic plans of the cluster. Rights and obligations of individual members are exercised at General Assembly meetings by natural persons who are entitled to act on behalf of a particular member, i.e. statutory representatives, or any other person authorised by the statutory representative upon a written power of attorney bearing a certified signature of the authorising person.
Director ‒ the statutory body of the cluster; he or she manages the cluster’s activities between the meetings of the Management Board and acts on behalf of the cluster, makes decisions on all matters of the cluster, unless they fall within the competency of other cluster bodies. The cluster Director must perform his or her duties while abiding by the decisions of the General Assembly and of the Management Board. Director reports directly to the Management Board. Director is elected and removed by the General Assembly for the term of 3 years.
Management Board ‒ an executive body providing guidance on the cluster’s activities and managing them in periods between the meetings of the General Assembly. The Management Board has a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members. Management Board members, including the chairman, are elected and removed by the General Assembly.
Scientific Board ‒ a scientific advisory body of the cluster. The Scientific Board reports directly to the Management Board. The Scientific Board has a minimum of 2 members who are elected and removed by the Management Board, including the chairman of the Scientific Board.
Cluster’s Controller ‒ a controlling body of the cluster, primarily in the field of economy and accounting. The cluster’s Controller controls activities of the cluster in the scope defined herein. The Controller is elected and removed ad hoc by the General Assembly for the purpose of investigating a particular issue, and the term of office is a maximum of 3 years.
Working groups ‒ advisory bodies dealing with specific issues supporting the cluster’s objectives to the benefit of its members. At present, CMV has 4 working groups: the group for legislation and law, the group for communication, the group for food quality and safety, and the group for HR and education.
Revision Committee ‒ a controlling body of the cluster; it reports to the General Assembly. Its competencies include the preparation of draft budgets and inspection of the cluster’s financial management. It also provides recommendations for approval of new and extraordinary members, the so-called honorary members.
+421 948 798 537
Mojmírova 12
04001, Košice
City Business Center V.
Karadžičova 16, 4. floor
821 08 Bratislava
What is Cassovia Medi Valley?
Cassovia Medi Valley (CMV) is a cluster of subjects based in the Eastern Slovakia Region; it includes universities, research institutions, healthcare facilities, enterprises and regional self-government authorities. CMV's primary concern is to coordinate research, scientific, developmental and innovation activities performed by entities engaged in a regional partnership. CMV facilitates creating a new level of sustainable regional cooperation among highly successful organisations that share the vision of transforming the town of Košice and the Košice Self-Governing Region into a scientific, research and innovation area with an ambition to achieve the level of its national, European and global partners. The key idea of the cluster is to become a centre for the support and application of knowledge and information possessed by the young generation in the field of medicine, pharmacy and cosmetics.